By Spinnaker Support | January 17, 2024

ITSM Change Management

According to Newton’s theory of inertia, an object at rest has zero velocity and resists change.

The same can be said for services in information technology (IT). Proactive competitors will outperform any IT solution that doesn’t maintain forward momentum.

But the problem is that half of change initiatives fail. Altering the way existing systems work requires a comprehensive strategy, or you’ll risk jeopardizing service quality and costing your company valuable customers.

Change management deals directly with the difficulties in keeping a functioning IT service up to date, with a goal of minimizing service disruptions and maximizing the value derived from changes.

Below, we’ve compiled the essentials you’ll need to understand before incorporating ITSM change management into your workflow. We’ll go over its benefits and best practices for implementation, including how third-party support providers can help.

Lastly, we’ll briefly cover other important IT management frameworks, such as problem and release management. Understanding these frameworks will help you better understand what makes change management uniquely beneficial.

What is ITSM change management?

ITSM change management is a specialized subset of IT Service Management (ITSM) processes that is focused on overseeing modifications to IT services and systems. It’s not merely about tracking technology adjustments; it involves a comprehensive approach to managing change throughout IT systems, applications, and infrastructure.

At the heart of every dynamic IT environment lies a fundamental principle: adaptability. ITSM change management allows organizations to take advantage of dynamism with minimal risk by providing a framework for making controlled changes and reducing the chance of disruption.

To appreciate the essence of ITSM change management, one must first understand ITSM and the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework that underpins it.


ITSM is a comprehensive system for strategically planning, delivering, managing, and enhancing how IT services are used in an organization. It ensures that IT services align with business needs.

On the other hand, ITIL is a set of best practices and guidelines for ITSM. It offers detailed processes and procedures, from service design and strategy to continuous service improvement.

ITSM change management process

The ITSM Change Management process typically involves several phases. Consider the following steps below:

  1. Request for Change (RFC): This is the initiation point where a change is proposed and logged.
  2. Change assessment: In this phase, the impact, cost, benefit, and risk of the proposed change are evaluated.
  3. Planning: This stage involves developing a detailed approach for implementing the change.
  4. Approval: The change must be reviewed and authorized before proceeding.
  5. Implementation: This is the actual execution of the change.
  6. Review and close: Post-implementation, the change is reviewed to ensure objectives are met and officially closed.

This structured approach ensures that changes are not made haphazardly but are thoughtfully integrated, aligning with the organization’s overarching strategy. ITSM change management, therefore, provides important guardrails in the ever-evolving landscape of IT services, striking a balance between innovation and stability.

Change management vs. other IT management disciplines

Change Management

ITSM change management plays a distinct role from other IT management disciplines. Understanding these differences is crucial for any IT professional implementing a comprehensive ITSM strategy.

Change management vs. incident management

While change management is concerned with the proactive and planned modifications in IT services, incident management deals with the reactive handling of unexpected disruptions or service outages.

By ensuring that IT services adapt and grow in a controlled manner, change management seeks to prevent incidents from occurring. Done correctly, this lightens the need for incident management by proactively avoiding service interruptions in the first place.

When incidents do occur, it’s important to remediate them swiftly in order to restore normal operations and minimize negative business impacts. Spinnaker Support responds to support requests in a matter of minutes, and has ITIL level 4 support engineers available for when high-priority incidents must be escalated.

Change management vs. problem management

Problem management differs from incident management in that it has a wider scope. While incident management focuses on resolving immediate service performance issues, problem management identifies and determines the root causes of recurring incidents.

Change management intersects with problem management in implementing solutions that prevent future occurrences of these problems. In other words, you will design and implement changes based on insights derived from problem management.

Companies such as Spinnaker Support implement ITIL-centric database management to perform diagnostics and analyze the root causes of problems.

Change management vs. release management

Release management is another discipline within ITSM closely related to change management. It deals with organizing, scheduling, and managing the movement of software releases through test and live environments.

The key difference is that release management focuses on implementing multiple changes simultaneously as a single “release.” In contrast, change management may deal with individual differences. Both disciplines ensure that changes are implemented effectively and efficiently.

However, release management is more about coordinating multiple changes to ensure they are released into the live environment in a coherent package.

Change management stands out in the ITSM landscape for its proactive approach to improving and evolving IT services. It works with other disciplines like incident, problem, and release management. These disciplines uniquely contribute to delivering stable, efficient, and continually improving IT services.

Getting help from a third-party support provider like Spinnaker Support can help you decide which type of change is best for your organization.

Common roles and changes in change management

In ITSM change management, various roles and types of changes constitute the framework used to ensure smooth and efficient transitions.

Change management roles

The following are the main roles in change management:

  • Change Advisory Board (CAB): This group, often comprising IT and business representatives, plays a pivotal role in assessing, prioritizing, and approving changes. They ensure that changes align with business objectives and are feasible within the IT infrastructure.
  • Change manager: The Change Manager is responsible for overseeing the entire change process. This includes coordinating with various stakeholders, ensuring compliance with the change policy, and monitoring the change’s impact.
  • Change approvers: Often part of the CAB, these individuals can approve or reject proposed changes. They make decisions based on risk assessments, impact analyses, and alignment with business strategy.
  • Stakeholders: These can be anyone affected by the change, from IT staff to end-users. Effectively communicating with key stakeholders is vital for successful change implementation.
  • Developers and customer service representatives: Developers implement the technical aspects of the change, while customer service representatives manage communication with end-users, addressing concerns and feedback.

Common changes

The following are the common types of changes in change management:

  • Standard changes: Routine, low-risk changes that follow a pre-approved procedure. They are typically well-understood and have minimal impact on services.
  • Normal changes: These changes require a full assessment, including risk and impact analysis, before implementation. They are not pre-approved and often need CAB approval.
  • Major changes: High-impact, high-risk changes that require thorough planning and testing. They often involve significant alterations to the IT infrastructure.
  • Emergency changes: These changes are urgent changes required to resolve a major incident or prevent an impending issue, such as a security threat or a power outage. These are expedited through a special process due to their urgency.

Change management best practices

Change management best practices

Consider the following best practices in change management to incorporate it effectively in your organization:

Create a structured process with documentation

A structured change management process is critical. Defined by ITIL, this process involves standardized methods for handling changes efficiently, aiming to minimize the impact on IT services and business operations. It encompasses steps like recording, evaluating, prioritizing, planning, testing, implementing, documenting, and reviewing changes in a controlled manner.

Also, it requires that changes to configuration items are recorded in the configuration management system, ensuring a thorough documentation process.

Simplify by breaking up the process

Breaking down the change management process into smaller, manageable parts simplifies and enhances control over each phase. This approach not only makes the process more understandable but also more efficient.

Simplification is key in managing change-related incidents, unauthorized changes, and scheduling conflicts, reducing potential disruptions.

Assess risk and analyze impact

Risk assessment and impact analysis are fundamental to change management. According to ITIL, the goal is to optimize IT and business risk exposure associated with changes. The approach involves assessing the change impact thoroughly and ensuring that changes are correctly implemented the first time, thereby reducing the need for rollbacks or rework.

Spinnaker Support has a proactive approach to mitigating organizational risks through security assessments. This allows them to identify weaknesses and find opportunities to improve existing security configurations.

Adopt an open-source strategy

An open-source strategy provides flexibility and a broader scope for change management solutions. This strategy suggests bringing in employees to help co-create change decisions, talk openly concerning change, and take ownership of implementation planning.

This open-source approach enables workers to be seen as people, not just employees. Engaging workers in change initiatives can be particularly beneficial since 82% want their voices heard within their organizations.

Conduct a post-implementation review

Conducting a post-implementation review is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of the change management process. It involves analyzing the results of the implemented changes and learning from these experiences to refine future processes.

This review is essential for identifying any unforeseen impacts and adjusting the change management strategy.

The future of ITSM change management

Future of ITSM change management

As we peer into the horizon of ITSM, it’s evident that the change management landscape is poised for significant transformation. Driven by technological advancements and evolving business needs, the future of ITSM change management is shaped by the following key trends:

Integration of AI and automation

A new era in ITSM change management is being heralded with the introduction of automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its predictive analytics and machine learning capacity, AI is set to revolutionize how IT services predict and adapt to changes.

By analyzing vast datasets, AI can forecast potential issues and automate routine tasks, thus reducing human error and increasing efficiency. This integration is not just about replacing manual processes; it’s about augmenting human capabilities and enabling IT professionals to spend more time on complex and strategic tasks.

As AI becomes more sophisticated, we can anticipate a shift towards more proactive and preemptive change management strategies.

Adoption of Agile and DevOps practices

The traditional siloed approach to IT service delivery rapidly gives way to more integrated methods like Agile and DevOps. These methodologies emphasize continuous improvement, flexibility, and cross-functional collaboration, aligning perfectly with the dynamic nature of change management.

By adopting Agile and DevOps, organizations can accelerate the pace of change implementation, ensuring that IT services are more responsive to business needs. This shift streamlines processes and fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, which is vital in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Focus on user experience

Lastly, the future of ITSM change management is increasingly pivoting towards a user-centric approach. The focus is shifting from merely managing IT infrastructure to enhancing the overall user experience. This involves understanding and addressing the actual needs of end users, ensuring that IT services are efficient and intuitively aligned with expectations.

Emphasizing user experience in change management leads to higher satisfaction and drives adoption and effective utilization of IT services. Such a combination can help companies align their IT objectives closely with business outcomes.


Change management, as we’ve seen, is not a static field. It’s a dynamic area that continually adapts to new technologies, methodologies, and user needs. This multifaceted discipline intertwines ITIL principles with practical approaches, ensuring that IT services evolve with business requirements.

Integrating AI and automation in change management points to a future where change processes are more predictive, efficient, and less prone to human error. Meanwhile, adopting Agile and DevOps practices emphasizes a more iterative, collaborative approach, aligning IT services closely with business goals.

However, the complexities of change management cannot be understated. It’s here that the value of third-party support becomes evident.

Spinnaker Support offers the best IT solutions to help with your ITSM change management initiatives. Our experts can guide you in making decisions that will benefit your organization.

Are you ready to get started? Contact us today to speak with an IT business specialist.

Spinnaker Support
Written By Spinnaker Support
Spinnaker Support Enterprise Software Support and Managed Services from Spinnaker Support Whether you run Oracle, SAP, or Salesforce, we’ll help you conquer your software challenges once and for all.